January 2, 2022

Retirement Beckons

As I now enter my 51st year in full time employment (the last 21 years of which have been spent in self-employment), with effect from 1st […]
August 2, 2021

Covid Update: August 2021

The time of writing (2nd August 2021)represents the longest period in my freelance career when I have not presented in front of group: 494 days to […]
April 15, 2021

Towards an Equitable Organisation

Those familiar with the OBA approach to improving performance will know that the all-important Quality performance measures (how well did we do it?) include measures for […]
August 17, 2020

Covid 19 Update

The regulations and recommendations brought in as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic have effectively suspended my Outcome Based Accountability (OBA) training activities which will […]
September 27, 2019

RBA Training in Wales 2019-20

I am delighted to have been awarded the contract to deliver a programme of RBA training across Wales following a renewed interest in adopting the approach […]
August 13, 2019

Reporting on Outcomes

I have recently completed work supporting the Joint Committee of the Northern Ireland Policing Board and Department of Justice to improve outcome reporting from the eleven […]
July 22, 2016

Draft Programme for Government Framework (Northern Ireland)

I've just submitted my response to the publication by the Northern Ireland Executive of its Draft Programme for Government Framework. This is a radical, outcome focused framework based on Mark Friedman's Outcome Based Accountability™ (OBA) approach.
February 11, 2016

Turning Curves

Hot on the heels of Mark Friedman’s “Trying Hard is Not Good Enough” 10 Year edition is his latest publication“Turning Curves: An Accountability Companion Reader”. The book complements “Trying Hard” with a series of short articles featuring case studies from around the world demonstrating the successful implementation of (Results) Outcome Based Accountability™ thinking.
February 11, 2016

The Leeds Story

When the Ofsted  (the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) inspectors arrive at a local authority Children and Young People’s directorate it’s a nervous time for everyone.  This was particularly the case in the City of Leeds, UK in March 2015 when five years previously the inspectors had concluded that the Authority was failing to adequately safeguard children and young people.