The regulations and recommendations brought in as a result of the Covid 19 Pandemic have effectively suspended my Outcome Based Accountability (OBA) training activities which will remain in limbo until it becomes safe to bring groups together again. I have been approached about on-line training, something I have resisted as my work depends so much on group dynamics and the involvement and inter-action with participants. I’ve struggled to see how I could deliver quality learning in a one dimensional environment. That said, I have been delivering one hour introductory webinars outlining the basic principles underpinning Outcome Based Accountability which have been well received either as a refresher to those familiar with the process or as a taster for new recruits. These have been well received though they are a poor substitute for the traditional one day workshops. Returning to running workshops will be dependent entirely on when clients feel attending training workshops will be safe and within guidelines. Please contact me for further information.